Compassion. Care. Prevention

Assessing Your Risk

Are you at risk for HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?

This checklist will help you determine whether your behaviors put you at risk for HIV.
Be honest with yourself and check every item that is true for YOU!

____ 1. I don’t have a sex partner in my life at this time.
____ 2. I do not have sex, but express intimacy in other ways.
____ 3. I am in a new relationship and neither my partner nor I have ever had
sex with anybody else.
____ 4. I have had a relationship with the same partner for the past 10 years or
more and neither of us have had sex with anyone else during that time.
____ 5. I (me and my partner) have never shared needles or works for drug use.
6. My partner and I use a latex barrier or condom every time we have any
kind of sex.
____ 7. My partner and I have both been tested for HIV and both tested negative;
neither of us shares drug equipment; neither of us has any other sex partners.

If you checked 6, you are at low risk for acquiring HIV and other STDs.  If you checked 7, you are at low risk for acquiring HIV.

____ 8.   I have had vaginal or anal sex without using a condom.
____ 9.   I have had oral sex without using a condom or latex barrier.
____ 10. I have had sex with someone whose sexual history is unknown to me.
____ 11. I have had sexual contact with someone who has had many sex partners.
____ 12. I have had sex with a man who has had sex with other men.
____ 13. I have had sex with someone who has a history of needle us or whose drug history is unknown to me.
____ 14. I share needles for drug use, tattooing, or body piercing.
____ 15. I had a blood transfusion between 1977 and 1985, or had sex with somebody who had a blood transfusion during this time.

If you checked, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13, you are at risk for infection with HIV and other STDs.  If you checked 14 or 15, you are at risk for HIV or Hepatitis infection.

Adapted from “Teaching Safer Sex”, Brick et al.,1989.