Compassion. Care. Prevention


  • What’s the difference between HIV and AIDS?
  • Where did HIV come from?
  • How is HIV spread?
  • What’s the risk of unprotected oral sex?
  • If both partners are HIV-positive, do they still have to take precautions?
  • How does HIV kill people?
  • Can someone with HIV have children?
  • Where can I get clean needles?
  • How effective are condoms at preventing the spread of HIV?
  • How effective are the medications used to treat HIV?
  • How many people in the United States have HIV?
  • How widespread is HIV in New Hampshire?
  • In any given sexual encounter, are both partners equally at risk?
  • Can I get HIV from a mosquito bite?
  • Don’t only gay men and injection drug users get HIV?
  • How can I completely avoid getting HIV altogether?
  • What are the symptoms of HIV?
  • I’m in a committed monogamous relationship.  Do we still need to use condoms?
  • I’m allergic to latex, but I don’t want to get HIV.  What do I do?
  • My partner doesn’t like condoms.  What do I do?
  • I don’t have a lot of cash.  Where can I get free condoms?
  • How do I find out where to get tested?
  • I hate needles, but I still want to get tested.  Are there other options?
  • If I have had a possible exposure to HIV, should I get tested right away?
  • I know for a fact that I was exposed to HIV. Is there anything I can do to avoid being infected?